Monday, June 30, 2008

Vultures Feast

Thick skin soft heart
thin skin hard heart
take it in
play your part

wounded warrior weeps in the field
lay low in cover keep you eyes peeled

what made the children flee
the swamps are not a place of glee

deep sunk eyes, protruding bellies
tears sting my face, now I realize

rebel war had come to town
silence shatterd, children dead on the ground.

Pain for you but feeding time for me
Vultures feast comes early.

wimpers are heard but it is much to late
Love is silent, loud is HATE.

memories run like hunted thing
down path I cannot retrace.
from field of blood to sweaty bed
one nod of sleep only comes as grace.

You break it you own it read the sign
alas, who owns me.

Kevin T

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